Social Media Content

Does your social media content accurately reflect who you are and what you care about? You know it’s more than vibes, aesthetics, and templates when it comes to social media marketing, right?

What is Good Social Media Content?

According to a new study by computer scientists at Columbia University and the French National Institute, 59 percent of links shared on social media have never actually been clicked: In other words, most people appear to retweet news without ever reading it.
— Washington Post

“My social media content has value.”

We sure hope so. But even with that “value”, you’re talking about, do you have the confidence that you are one-out-of-a-million unique that nobody else in the mass world of the Internet is saying something similar? And even if you can give us the confident yes, our next question is — are you sure your audience is reading it?

There are so many things that go into social media content. The graphic, the music, the audio of a video, the caption… Your audience will decide what they read based on what and why they want to read. And for every business that is just starting with their digital journey, there is always this question: Why should an audience, already bombarded by social media content, read what you post?

The answer is simple. Humans are visual animals. If your content can catch your audience’s eye, chances are, they will start reading your posts. Maybe not fully at the beginning, but yes, they will spare a few precious seconds on what you have to say. Isn’t that much better than them not caring at all?

This is How we Work


Content Audit

We begin with looking at what you have. If you’re starting new social media accounts, we will look at your collateral materials that are currently in-use instead.


We then decide what you’re trying to accomplish. Yes. We know you want more leads/sales, but trust us, there’s a lot more to that than you think.


Next, we will talk about your target audience, what they like, where they hang, and what kind of post will gain their interest.



Once we’ve narrowed down the basics, we can finally talk about your mission, vision, value, and what makes you special.


By combining everything we’ve studied together, we then put together a strategy and begin creating content on your behalf.


We optimize based on periodical analytics to ensure you’re alwyas publishing the most-efficient, highest-ROI content.


Level-Up your Social Media Marketing

Combine with other services we provide to fully unleash your digital power.

Cross Platform Integration

Cross Platform Integration

Funnel Development

Funnel Development

Brand Development

Brand Development

Community Management

Community Management

How We Tripled Conversion

We don’t mind sharing all the real goodies with you.


Social Listening

The best place to find the content you should be posting and topics you should be talking about is in the community. Our team of content specialists dedicates undivided attention to your business. We will listen to industry trends and competitor behaviors for you so your content can always stay ahead of the game. By conducting proactive social listening, we make sure our client is not only following the trends but actively creating new trends as well.


Platform Specific

Your audience behaves differently on each platform because they’re logged in for different purposes. There is no point selling to an audience simply looking for some personal downtime browsing through their feed. Rather, you are more likely to leave a bad taste in their mouth by shoveling a sales message down their throat.

Good thing our content creators all have their specialties. And that’s why our team can help you say the right thing at the right time, on the right social media platform.

Create Posts People Read and Love

Make your business profiles showcase your value, mission, and brand identity. Go beyond visuals and truly build a relationship with your followers online with one-of-a-kind content people actually read.